BIO317V Grand Canyon Week 5 Public Scientific Lectures Discussion

Hi, if you could answer each of the DQ’s with 100-150 each. Thank you!DQ 2: Tulsha, Public scientific lectures help to improve public knowledge and enable society to appreciate science. Public scientific lectures also enable direct interaction between the...

Globalization of Culture And Global Phenomenon Summary

RUBRIC: All essays must be double-spaced and printed in 12-point type.A brief overview of cultural globalization (what is it, what are its defining features).A clear identification and summary of the particular global phenomenon you’re exploring.A concrete and...

Cumberlands Traffic Light Placement and EMA Workbench Discussion

Question: Decide how you could use this software to create a model to help in developing a policy for a Smart City.Explain what policy you are trying to create (i.e. traffic light placement, surveillance camera coverage, taxi licenses issued, etc.), and what key...