
Question DescriptionI’m working on a philosophy multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me understand better. a) Leibniz finds critical flaws in Descartes’ and the Occasionalist views of the mind-body union:“[–] on my view, we should not worry...

Javascript Question

Question DescriptionI’m working on a javascript exercise and need guidance to help me study. This unit introduces you to graphics modeling. You will also learn how to use OpenGL functionality to implement vertices to develop points, line segments, polygons, and...

Create a simple Photo Gallery application in PHP. Use Cases: 1) User uploads new photo to photo album including meta data (Name, Date, Location, Photographer) 2) User views all photos currently in photo album as gallery 3) User chooses sorting method by

Question Description I’m working on a html / css project and need an explanation to help me understand better. Create a simple Photo Gallery application in PHP.undefinedUse Cases:undefinedUser uploads new photo to photo album including meta data (Name, Date,...

Intermediate Macroeconomics

Question Description [5 points] The following questions refer to the production function (chapter )Draw the production function (with N on the x-axis) as discussed in class.Define the MPN (i.e. provide an intuitive definition of the marginal product of labor)...

Write a reading note

Question Description I’d like you to read through and take notes on at least two more of your sources (articles, book chapter, etc.). In addition to your normal note taking method, I’d like you to also include a prose paragraph that describes each of your...