Rasmussen College Finding and Evaluating Web Resources Assignment

For the first part of your final assignment, you will use research magazines, newspaper articles, and web resources for your Annotated Bibliography. You will: Locate two articles that appear to be useful for your research project. You will use the MasterFile database...

Rasmussen College Credit Risk Management Written Assignment

Risk management practices within the financial sector are ofparticular interest to regulators. This is because the failures withinthis sector disrupt the functionality of the financial system and deraileconomic growth and efficiency. A historical reference point is...

Rasmussen College Social Media Theory and Schema Assignment

We have been looking at different psychological theories and the waywe can use them to better examine social media. For this assignment, youshould choose yourself or another person (such as a celebrity or apolitician). Spend some time looking through your/their social...

Rasmussen College Week 5 Eminent Domain and Private Property Paper

Throughout this module, you studied the topic of eminent domain, which is the power to take private property, without permission from the owner, for public use by a state, municipality or private person or authorized corporation, following the payment of just...