answer his discussion prompt and write replies to these comments

Question DescriptionView this TED Talk on what the future looks like and then answer the following questions:How did you respond to Gabriella Huggins’s film?Which, if any, images or narration spoke to you personally?Remember to respond to two of your classmates’...

discussion prompt and replies for classmates’ comments

Question DescriptionLet’s discuss disabilities as being sorted into three groups: physical, emotional, and physiological.In your discussion post, choose one of these groups and profile a person (real or imagined) who has a disability from that group.Describe the...

Discussion Forum: Presentation Q&A

Question Description1. watch at least two peers’ videos and post thoughtful questions related to the content and conclusions of their study. Your instructor may assign you specific peers to review. Otherwise, select at least two peers to review (do not pose the...

Signature Assignment Presentation: The Oral Defense Video

Question DescriptionNow that you have completed your paper, build and deliver a video presentation that details your solution to the healthcare issue that serves as your topic.In your presentation, you should:Exhibit comprehensive research and understanding by...

Ableism Reflection Essay

Question DescriptionWatch the PBS segment on Georgia’s segregation of students with disabilities, and address the following:What might be the state of Georgia’s rationale for this practice?Other than the obvious, horrific examples given in the video, how could such...

Martini vs. Angelico Annunciation Comparison Assignment

Question DescriptionPlease compose a short essay comparing Martini’s and Angelico’s Annunciation scenes (see image file in course module for reference).What does the subject of the Annunciation depict?How are space and environment depicted differently?In...