CRJS4653 Final Paper

Question DescriptionYou need to write four pages paper by excluding cover page and reference page from the topics mentioned below. It must be in APA style. You must give minimum 3 scholarly journal articles and two cases relevant to your topic in your paper. You need...

Primary Skills of an Emergency Manager

Question DescriptionDiscussion post: Emergency managers need many skills to get their jobs done. As is any profession, some skills are more critical than others. These critical skills are considered primary skills and there are several primary skills needed in...

Grant Proposal Budget

Question DescriptionThere are three parts to this assignment.Part 1: Complete the attached Grant Proposal Budget Detail Planner Worksheet.Part 2: Complete a Budget Narrative. See attachment for detailed instructions. The budget narrative is written last. It is a...

CJ 490 Resarch Methods in Criminal Justice

Question DescriptionData Collection MethodsThere are 3 main ways to collect data: asking questions,making observations, or using existing data. But a combination is alsooften utilized. The data collection methods include:Survey research (asking questions)Field...

CJAD-720-Crim Theory/Solutions to Crime

Question DescriptionOverviewRefer back to the Theory-to-Practice Project Overview to see how this assignment fits into the overall project. Use your Theory-to-Practice Outline and your instructor’s feedback to compose your Theory-to-Practice Draft Paper. Your...