write sentence

Question DescriptionI’m working on a latin question and need support to help me learn. Write four sentences in Latin – be creative! The longest sentence wins!!Use the nouns girl, boy, god, friend, donkey, bull, rock, water, wine, coin, kiss, gift, and...

Travel Brochure on Panama

Question DescriptionCreate a travel brochure of Panama with travel vocabulary and pertinent grammatical structures. Vocabulary words are attached. Create the brochure using Publisher. The brochure should include: Title page with a picture of the flag or an outline of...

french 101

Question DescriptionThe directions are in the word document below. part 1 is pretty easy , i need you to write that in french. then in english so i can know what you wrote , Part 2 – you can not choose the same topic someone else has choosen so before you get...

Discussion Post FRENCH 101

Question Description Directions:In 4-6 sentences, using the French that you have learned from Rosetta Stone and this lesson, respond to the writing prompt: Votre ville. In this discussion, you will mention at least three places in your town or city that you frequent...


Question Description2- أن يكون التلخيص لأحد الفصلين ( السادس أو السابع من كتاب المقرر ) 3- أن يكون التلخيص شاملا لكل ما ورد فى الفصل 4-عدد الصفحات 4-6صفحات5-أن يخلو التلخيص من الأخطاء الإملائية وتكون الأفكار مرتبة6-في نهاية التلخيص اكتب رأيك حول الموضوع في خمسة...