7-3 Final Project Submission: Business Systems Analysis

Question DescriptionI’m working on a information technology report and need a sample draft to help me learn. IT 210 Final Project Guidelines and RubricOverviewTechnology has changed our lives drastically in the past twenty years. For example, consider the rise...

discussion case study

Question DescriptionACTIVITIES:Read:Kaur, Satwant. “Intellectual Property Protection for MaskWorks.” IETE Technical Review, vol. 30, no. 4, July 2013, pp. 276–279. EBSCOhost,doi:10.4103/0256-4602.116715. https://trine.on.worldcat.org/oclc/5624949378 READ CHAPTERS 3...

Speaking to Clients About the Role of Statistics in Your Field

Question DescriptionLearning Objectives In this assignment you will:Communicate technical information to a non-technical audience.Develop an understanding of how to create communication for a specific audience by creating a document for executive-level clients (civic,...


Question Description Read:READ CHAPTERS 1 AND 4Jennifer Davis. Intellectual PropertyLaw Core Text. Vol. 4th ed, OUP Oxford, 2012. https://trine.on.worldcat.org/oclc/903552464 READ CHAPTERS 11 & 12Rimai, Donald S. A Guide forImplementing a Patent Strategy : How...

Probability distribution and chart question

Question DescriptionI’m working on a industrial design test / quiz prep and need a sample draft to help me understand better. urs and std deviation = 4 hours. a) What is the probability that failure occurs after 26 hours of operation.b) When should the...