AOJ, Chapter 11, Discussion, APA Formatting, 300 words minimum

Question DescriptionFor this unit, there is a discussion on THE INVESTIGATION OF SEX CRIMES, ASSAULT, CHILD ABUSE, AND RELATED OFFENSES (CORRESPONDS TO CHAPTER 11 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK).Each unit, you will submit a QTIP (Quote, Thought, Interesting Point). The assignment...

AOJ, Chapter 12, Discussion, APA Formatting, 300 words minimum

Question Description For this unit, there is a discussion on THE INVESTIGATION OF ROBBERY (CORRESPONDS TO CHAPTER 12 OF YOUR TEXTBOOK). Each unit, you will submit a QTIP (Quote, Thought, Interesting Point). The assignment is designed to assist you learn concepts in...

AOJ, Assignment, APA Formatting,

Question DescriptionAssignment aligns with the objectives regarding confessions. Please review the brief video on the false confession of Chris Ochoa from the Innocence Project website:Summarize the facts of this incident (What did Ochoa confess to...