The HCO we are using is Aetna and I am providing this link to better assist us with the information needed. However, you are not limited on what information can be used as a resource. Just be sure to cite the source and try to keep the information current within the past 5 years. Above all remember to be creative and thorough. Include at least 4 paragraphs

***Keep in mind the current economy, competition, changes related to healthcare regulations as well as technological advances and consumer demands. Please provide information relative to internal and external factors in your description. Also keep in mind the HCO’s Mission, Vision and Values statements as they help lay the groundwork for the way the HCO presents themselves to consumers and their competitors. ***

Please select from one of the following as your contribution to this project.

  1. Strengths ( & Conclusion) – one page committed to the strengths of the HCO. Please be sure to be as specific as possible and make sure to include appropriate citations from the provided link and any additional source you use. Make sure to note the ways in which Aetna exceeds healthcare standards and quality measurements. This includes how well the HCO is rated in comparison to other service providers and consumer expectations.

***How can the strengths be maximized***

  1. Weaknesses (& Title Page )- one page committed to the weaknesses of the HCO. Please be sure to be as specific as possible and make sure to include appropriate citations from the provided link and any additional source you use. Be as specific as possible and remember to stay grounded in what creates a weakness within the HCO whether it be internal or external such as: Corporate culture or environment. Is the HCO securely funded? Does Aetna have a diverse network of providers and facilities?

***What internal/ external factors contribute to the weaknesses and how can these be improved?****

  1. Opportunities (& Reference Page)- one page committed to the opportunities of the HCO. Please be sure to be as specific as possible and make sure to include appropriate citations from the provided link and any additional source you use. It is important to note the areas in which the HCO can improve the quality of health care provided and the services offered in comparison to that of other HCO’s and federal regulations.

***How can the opportunities help maximize or create longevity within the HCO?***

  1. Threats (& Strategic Plan)- one page committed to the threats of the HCO. Please be sure to be as specific as possible and make sure to include appropriate citations from the provided link and any additional source you use. Make sure to include updated information as to why the noted threats put the HCO at a disadvantage. Is the HCO securely funded? Does Aetna have a diverse network of providers and facilities?

**** Do any of the threats put the company in danger of closing? Losing patient/ provided networks? How do the threats hinder the organization and limit its potential growth?***

Please only complete ….this is a group project and my part is Weaknesses

  1. Weaknesses (& Title Page )- one page committed to the weaknesses of the HCO. Please be sure to be as specific as possible and make sure to include appropriate citations from the provided link and any additional source you use. Be as specific as possible and remember to stay grounded in what creates a weakness within the HCO whether it be internal or external such as: Corporate culture or environment. Is the HCO securely funded? Does Aetna have a diverse network of providers and facilities?

***What internal/ external factors contribute to the weaknesses and how can these be improved?****

The SWOT Analysis Assignment

Using the Publicly-traded HCO’s annual report (10-K report can be found online through the company’s web site) your team must complete the following assignment.

Each team must create and submit one APA-formatted document that includes:

  1. APA-formatted title page – All team members must be listed vertically in alphabetical order (by last name). The document must have a running head and all pages must be numbered. Please submit document in Times New Roman or Arial font, size 12, following guidelines for HSA writing. Use Level 1 heading for each section of the paper (e.g., strengths, weaknesses, etc.).
  2. Provide one page dedicated to the strengths of the organization in paragraph form.
  3. Submit one page dedicated to the weaknesses of the organization in paragraph form.
  4. Provide one page dedicated to the opportunities available (nationally and/or internationally) to the organization in paragraph form.
  5. Submit one page dedicated to the threats of the organization in paragraph form.
  6. Using supporting evidence, discuss your team’s viewpoint as to what strategic steps the organization can take to improve production, customer service, or any aspect you see as important to the organization’s ultimate success (1-2 pages) in paragraph form.
  7. On the final page of the document, deliver a well-worded strong conclusion in paragraph form.
  8. Nowhere in the paper should there be numbered lists.
  9. Submit an APA-formatted References page.
  10. The paper needs to be in the correct order with strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, strategic plan and conclusion.
  11. Figures, tables, or graphs may be used if relevant to the topic being discussed. If used, their presentation should conform to APA format.

****I am only responsible for “3. Submit one page dedicated to the weaknesses of the organization in paragraph form.”

  1. Weaknesses (& Title Page )- one page committed to the weaknesses of the HCO. Please be sure to be as specific as possible and make sure to include appropriate citations from the provided link and any additional source you use. Be as specific as possible and remember to stay grounded in what creates a weakness within the HCO whether it be internal or external such as: Corporate culture or environment. Is the HCO securely funded? Does Aetna have a diverse network of providers and facilities?

***What internal/ external factors contribute to the weaknesses and how can these be improved?****

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