• Describe Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development from childhood to adulthood.

  • Describe Piaget’s stages of cognitive development.

  • Describe Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

  • Contrast the major theories of emotions.

  • Describe why it is important for employers to understand the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

  • Describe why emotional intelligence would be a good trait for a customer service employee to possess.

  • 1.Angelicawants to win the beauty contest because she wants the trophy and therecognition. She is ______________ motivated.a.intrinsicallyb.avoidancec.extrinsicallyd.situationally 2.Maslowbelieved all human beings strive to become ______________.a.greatpeopleb.self-actualizedc.goalorientedd.achievementoriented 3._____________________theory postulates bodily reactions occur before emotions, and_____________________ theory postulates both bodily reactions and emotionsoccur at the same time.a.Cannon–Bardtheory; James–Lange theoryb.James–Langetheory; Two factor theoryc.James–Langetheory; Cannon–Bard theoryd.Emotionalintelligence; Dual Pathway Model of Fear 4.______________________is the ability to manage emotions effectively in a variety of situations.a.Emotionalintelligenceb.Emotionalresiliencec.Emotionalstabilityd.Mentaltoughness 5.___________________believed the process in which we handle specific psychosocial crises shapes thedevelopment of our personality throughout life. a.SigmundFreudb.ErikEricksonc.JeanPiagetd.AlbertBandura 6.Childrentend to view the world based on their personal perspectives. The term for thisisa.centrationb.egocentrismc.egoidentityd.narcissism 7._____________developed theories on human development by observing his own children interactwith the world.a.JeanPiagetb.AlbertBanderac.ErikEriksond.LevVygotsky 8.______________theorized children learn through the process of interacting with differenttypes of people throughout culture and in their daily lives. a.JeanPiagetb.AlbertBanderac.ErikEriksond.LevVygotsky 9.Eriksonbelieved one of the biggest challenges people face in late adulthood is theirability to maintain their ______________ as they approach the end of their life.a.senseof selfb.egoidentityc.egointegrityd.self-efficacy 10. According to Erikson’spsychosocial development theory, what is the life crisis stage when peopledevelop close relations with others? a.Identityversus role diffusionb.Intimacyversus isolationc.Generativityversus stagnationd.Integrityversus despair

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