Paper 2: Argue whether the Prophets find hope 1) in the Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants or 2) in the law codes of the Mosaic Covenant? (1000–1200 words)

Video: Getting Ready for the Second Paper

Paper Outline

  • Introduction: must end with a clear thesis statement.
  • Body Paragraphs: each paragraph must defend a part of the thesis and begin with a topic sentence that clarifies the relationship between the paragraph and the thesis statement.
  • Conclusion: must begin with the same thesis statement and follow with a summation of your argument

Paper Reminders

  • Write clear and complete sentences.
  • Write paragraphs that flow from thought to thought.
  • Make sure that the subject and verb of each sentence agree.
  • Make sure that you use the same tense throughout your work.
  • Please read your paper aloud before submitting it.

Specific Reminders and Questions for This Paper

  • Do not summarize the events of the Torah (the Pentateuch) for the AC and MC.
  • Do not summarize the events of the Prophets for the DC.
  • Do, however, make clear how the prophetic books talk about the AC, DC and the MC.
  • Defend your ideas with evidence from the Prophets.

Some Questions to Ponder as You Write

  • Do the laws of the MC offer life or death, hope or judgment?
  • Does the conquest under Joshua fulfill the AC? … or does it view it as a failure that points beyond it.
  • Was the AC fulfilled or unfulfilled in the Prophets?
  • What is the connection between the AC and the DC?
  • Is there a connection between the MC and the DC?

What is a thesis statement?

  • A thesis statement is your claim that answers the question being asked.
  • It should be the final sentence of your introduction.
  • The rest of your paper, that is, the body paragraphs must be designed to defend your thesis statement.
  • The thesis statement (and the paper itself) needs to be written in active voice, not passive.

What is a topic sentence?

  • A topic sentence defines what a body paragraph will talk about and how that paragraph will help defend the thesis.

What makes an argument and a paper good?

  • It defends the thesis with credible and persuasive evidence.
  • The best evidence always comes from the source itself. In this case, the best evidence derives from the biblical text.
  • It is written with complete sentences that have proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax.
  • It has proper transitions from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph.
  • It has an introduction that prepares the reader to understand the the thesis and the argument.
  • It has a conclusion that restates the thesis, summarizes the argument and provides one final application.
  • It footnotes all non-biblical references according to Turabian standards. Please do not use endnotes.
  • It uses parentheticals for all biblical references: (Gen 12) or (Gen 13:1) or with an exact quote of a particular translation (Gen 15:6 NASB).
  • If one if needed, it has a bibliography on a separate page formatted according to Turabian standards.

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