You must use my text, you will find great info in Chapter 7. Please be thorough and hit distinguished in the scoring guide.

Bachman, R. D., & Schutt, R. K. (2018). Fundamentals of research in criminology and criminal justice (4th ed.). Retrieved from[;vnd.vst.idref=cover]!

Use the questions in the discussion as headings in the paper.


In field research, it is important to remember that an observer may play various roles. For example, a researcher who plays the role of a full participant is a genuine participant in what they are studying, and this can have a direct effect on ethical issues. A researcher can also be what is called a complete participant. In this role, the researcher may affect the social processes he or she is studying. That said, this is a rare occurrence in criminal justice institutions. To say a researcher is “going native” suggests one who tends to identify too much with the participants’ interests and viewpoints. An observer-as-participant, on the other hand, still interacts with the participants but has no pretense of being an actual participant. By way of contrast, a researcher who observes a location or process without becoming a part of it in any way is considered a complete observer.

For this discussion, review the experiments and surveys described in previous chapters of your Fundamentals of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice text. Choose one experiment or survey to use as a basis for comparison with field research and respond to the following in your main post:

  1. Propose a field research design that would focus on the same research question as the experiment or survey, but with participant observation techniques in a local setting.
  2. Articulate an appropriate problem statement in relation to the field research proposed (Use this method for creating a problem statement: Hernon and Schwartz’s 2007 article “What Is a Problem Statement?” in Library and Information Science Research, volume 29, issue 3, pages 307–309.)
  3. Explain the researcher role you would play in the setting along the participant observation continuum.
  4. Lay out the stages of your proposed field research study, including your plans for entering the field, developing and maintaining relationships, sampling and recording, and analyzing data.
  5. Analyze what you would expect your study to add to the findings resulting from the study you selected.

Scoring guide

Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Main Discussion Post Response (60%)
Apply critical thinking or problem solving in the main discussion post.
Does not apply elements of critical thinking or problem solving in the main discussion post. Applies some elements of critical thinking or problem solving in the main discussion post. Applies critical thinking or problem solving in the main discussion post. Applies critical thinking or problem solving to the main discussion post in a comprehensive, step-by-step manner.
Use credible information or research to support positions, conclusions, or perspectives in the discussion.
Does not use credible information or research to support positions, conclusions, or perspectives in the discussion. Responds to the discussion, but some or all of the resources used for support are not credible. Uses credible information or research to support positions, conclusions, or perspectives in the discussion. Uses well- developed, relevant support from credible resources or research to support positions, conclusions, or perspectives in the discussion and impartially considers conflicting data or other perspectives.

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