Need to respond to the below two students’ initial posts, and each of these responses should be at least 150 words. The question the students are answering are in bold below.

You will:

  1. List the two types of wireless transmissions.
  2. Discuss their characteristics of analog and digital signals

Student one:

The main types of wireless transmissions are infrared and radio waves. The first type of wireless transmission, infrared light, has many characteristics of visible light, but is a better medium for wireless transmissions because it is less susceptible to interference from other sources (Olenewa, 2017). Infrared wireless systems are required to have an emitter and a detector and can be either directed or diffused. While it is useable, infrared systems do not seem very feasible to me because like visible light ways, infrared lights can be blocked by many things. Could you imagine trying to communicate with someone else on a cellphone and have to maintain line of sight and ensure nothing comes between the two individuals trying to talk. This would be impossible. While not too practical, infrared does have its uses, such as T.V. remotes, wireless mouse, and keyboards, and has some advantages since it does not interfere with other communication signals and pass through walls. This trait would make it difficult for someone to pick up on the conversation in the room.

The second for of wireless transmissions is radio waves. Our reading this week explained radio waves using a hose. I found this unique and it helped me understand the chapter. Most wireless communications use radio waves to ensure the least amount of interference and issues. There are multiple ways to manipulate radio waves to limit the possibility of interference such as analog modulation, amplitude modulation, and phase modulation.

While reading chapter 2 this week I was unsure about topic, does infrared light have analog and digital waves?


Olenewa, J. L. (2017). Guide to wireless communications. Australia: Cengage Learning.


Student two:

The two types of wireless transmission are Infrared Light and Radio waves.

Infrared light is better for transmission of the light spectrum because it has the least amount of interference. They need two components to transmit and receive signals; emitters transmit and detector receives

Radio Waves are the seconds means to transmitting wireless signal. Radios waves are an even better means of transmitting wirelessly because the radio waves can penetrate solid objects and infrared can not as well ass opaque objects.

Radio waves and Infrared lights waves transmit in the form of analog and digital signals. Analog broadcast continuously with no breaks and digital signals are the opposite, they have continuous start and stop in the form of pulses. So, I knew what analog was but I didn’t know that a computers used digital signals and converts analog to digital. Good thing I’m taking this class, it fills in a lot of questionable blanks. To get a continuous analog transmission a modem is used to encode digital signals, this would be 2 computers talking to each other as the book uses for an example.

So, as an IT in the navy this is not my forte. We have IT’s that are extremely knowledgeable in radio waves and SATCOM. They care about data transmission from ship to shore. This would be right up their alley.

I look forward to reading everyone post on this and hope to learn more. It is interesting but it is also a bit dry for me. I know a number of you can break it down into better terms for me!

Olenewa, J. Guide to Wireless Communications. Retrieved from!/4/30/8/26/2@0:92.1


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