Question Description

PLEASE RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION POST RESPONSES WITH 250 WORDS, 1 CITED REFERENCE AND 1 CITED BIBLICAL VIEWPOINT. This is the original discussion post so you can see what we were talking bout. You DO NOT have to respond to the original, JUST to my 2 classmates. There have been a variety of models that have been applied to crime analysis over the years. Please review the information presented in this week’s readings and discuss the various models presented in the textbook. Which of the models do you feel is the most useful/efficient for a modern law enforcement agency? Please explain and ensure that you utilize scholarly research to support your position. Finally, apply a Biblical worldview or perspective to the model that you feel is the most appropriate.

1) Prince Davis– Which of the models do you feel is the most useful/efficient for a modern law enforcement agency? Please explain and ensure that you utilize scholarly research to support your position. Finally, apply a Biblical worldview or perspective to the model that you feel is the most appropriate.

The models that are applied to crime analysis are the Intelligence Cycle, the SARA model, the NIM business model, and the 3-i model. The intelligence cycle is one of active collaboration and consists of six steps: requirements, planning and direction, collection, processing and exploitation, analysis and production, and dissemination. The intelligence cycle is used to develop raw information.

The SARA Model is an interactive online course designed to provide participants with a basic awareness and understanding of the fundamental principles of a common approach used by many community policing agencies to identify and solve repeat crime and community problems. The acronym SARA stands for scanning, analysis, response, and assessment. This model has become the basis for many police agencies’ training curricula and problem-solving efforts (Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing: The 2000 Herman Goldstein Award Winners, 2000).

NIM is an information-based deployment system and a cornerstone for the management of law enforcement operations. Historically most policing has been driven by the need to respond to calls from the public. This is necessary police business but crime and incident patterns are not identified. NIM identifies patterns of crime and enables a more fundamental approach to problem solving in which resources can be tasked efficiently against an accurate understanding of crime and incident problems. NIM promotes a cooperative approach to policing and many of the solutions to problems will require the participation of other agencies and bodies (Guidance on National Intelligence Model, 2005).

In the 3i model (interpret, influence, impact) the analytical arm of the police department gathers data or intelligence, understands and analyses the criminal environment and determines or interprets things like who the main players are, and what are the significant and emerging threats.

I feel that the SARA model is the most useful for a modern law enforcement agency. It is simple and not complex at all, which makes it easy to adapt to law enforcement agencies. SARA is based around common sense and is well-suited for the everyday police officer. This method breaks down problem solving into four basic steps: scanning, analysis, response, and assessment. Scanning refers to the identification of a problem or problems. This is conducted through calls for service or detection by officers. The analysis aspect calls for officials to examine the problem presented and what plan of action should be taken. Next during the response, a solution is put into action. After the response, the assessment phase studies the effectiveness of the solution (Brandon, 2015). Luke 14:28 says For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, 2016)”? Using SARA allows a Christian to gather information and use it to make wise decisions.

Works Cited

Brandon, D. (2015, June 23). The Use and Effectiveness ofProblem-Oriented Policing. Retrieved from Inquiries Journal:…

Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing: The 2000 Herman Goldstein Award Winners. (2000, December 2). Retrieved from office of Justice Program:

Guidance on National Intelligence Model. (2005, January 2). Retrieved from Centrex:…

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. (2016). Crossway Bibles.

2) William Armstrong- When examining “crime analysis”, we must first properly define it in order to have a better understanding. Ratcliff (2016) defines it as “the ‘systematic study of crime and disorder problems as well as other police-related issues – including socio-demographic, spatial, and temporal factors.” We utilize this concept to our advantage, so we can process the overabundance of data and information. This process focuses on arresting offenders & reducing/preventing crime. It also assists with determining patterns of crime which helps law enforcement to predict criminal hot spots.


In order to maximize the benefits of crime analysis, an effective strategy must be implemented. This concept also finds a conclusion that helps resolve criminal issues. Santos (2014) believes that “crime analysis is a component in specific police crime reduction strategies, but not a crime reduction strategy (cure) by itself.” Law Enforcement leadership must make the analysis of crime a priority. Those leaders must delegate sworn/non-sworn personnel to capitalize on the gathering of intelligence to best serve the agency and the community.


There were numerous crime analysis modules discussed in the textbook, such as the intelligence cycle; the SARA model; the NIM business model; and the 3-i model. The intelligence cycle emphasizes the intelligence in intelligence-led policing Ratcliff (2016). This concept disseminates information while continuously processing intelligence. The SARA model is probably the most commonly used crime analysis model in policing today. “SARA” stands for scanning, analysis, response, and assessment. It is used to address problems while integrating research and analysis.


“NIM” stands for “National Intelligence Model.” It is a business model that is utilized in policing. The goal of “NIM” is to manage risk while formulating strategies. Its range of operation begins at the local level all the way to an international level. Ratcliff (2016) suggested “when developed, the NIM resembled ‘an eclectic “pick’n’mix” of those pre-existing intelligence models and innovative policing strategies that emerged in the last quarter of the twentieth century.’” The last crime analysis model the textbook mentioned was The 3-i model (interpret, influence, impact). The 3i model is the footing for evaluating the process of criminal intelligence. It focuses on how information and intelligence can be interpreted, the influence on the decision-making process, and the impact it has on the criminal atmosphere.


In conclusion, I believe the SARA model is the most useful/efficient for a modern law enforcement agency. Burton & McGregor (2018) declares that “it is essentially a rational method to systematically identify and analyst problems, develop specific responses to individual problems and subsequently assess whether the response has been successful.” SARA takes a 4-pronged approach in scanning, analyzing, responding, & assessing criminal intelligence. This process detects habitual problems that affect the community. Based on the information gathered, it creates a plausible theory on why these problems are recurring. The SARA model generates a plan in order to apprehend offenders. It then reassesses the issues at hand to ensure it is not likely to happen again. Micah 6:8 (ESV) reads “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” As law enforcement officers, it is frustrating when justice doesn’t prevail. We must remember to put those situations in God’s hands.




Burton, S., & McGregor, M. (2018). Enhancing SARA: a new approach in an increasingly complex world. Retrieved From:…

English Standard Bible. (2020). English Standard Bible Online. https://

Ratcliff, J. (2016) Intelligence-led policing. 2 ed. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor, & Francis Group. ISBN: 978-1-315-71757-9.


Santos, R. (2014) The Effectiveness of Crime Analysis for Crime Reduction: Cure or Diagnosis? Retrieved From:…

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