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Essay #2: Informative EssayAssignment

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Assignment Details

Description: Compose an informative essay that explores a new technological development in your field of study. For example, you might choose to explore drone delivery if you are in the IMCT pathway, virtual reality for STEM, or digitized textbooks if you are pursuing Education. (If you need more details about Broward College’s various career pathways, visit the “Programs and Degrees” webpage.) In addition to explaining to your audience about the technology, you must also argue whether or not you believe this technology is ultimately beneficial to the field, elaborating why or why not by exploring potential applications, dangers, and/or limitations. For instance, while digitized textbooks may sound like a novel resource in education, what about students who do not have regular or reliable internet access? In order to help you to explain your technology, you should conduct research on your topic and incorporate quotations and/or paraphrases from three outside sources within your essay.

Note: When composing an informative essay, you must achieve accuracy and disclosure throughout your writing. In other words, always endeavor to present correct information (reinforced through your research and outside sources), and be sure that you provide your reader with sufficient background and detail about your topic, especially considering that they may not be familiar with this technology.

Assessment: Your grade will derive from your abilities to explain your topic using a variety of specific details and examples (as well as language appropriate to multiple audiences), to argue a clear claim/thesis regarding the benefits and/or drawbacks of this technology, and to organize your thoughts in an effective and logical style to help your reader clearly understand your ideas. Consult the Essay Rubric for a detailed list of the criteria that comprise A, B, C, D, and F essays.

Peer Reviews: When you bring in your typed rough draft on the day of peer review, you will trade your essay with a classmate so that you can both read each other’s work and provide helpful, constructive criticism to one another. In addition, I will provide each of you with a worksheet to help guide you through the peer review process. Once you and your classmate have finished, you will trade back your essays so that you can each utilize the comments when revising for your final draft.

If you are unable to attend class on the day set aside for peer reviews, it is your responsibility to “make up” the peer review by contacting a classmate willing to review your essay outside of class, taking your essay to a tutor in the Writing Lab, or submitting it through You will not receive credit if a friend or family member reviews your paper. Also, keep in mind that even if you are absent for a peer review, you are still responsible for turning in your final draft on time. Papers turned in without being peer reviewed will be docked five points.

Extra Credit: If you would like to receive extra credit on your essay, all you need to do is take the time to have it reviewed outside of class! Simply make an appointment with the Academic Success Center or submit your essay through, and you will receive five (5) points added to your final essay grade. In order to prove that you went to one of these student resources, you must turn in either a) the reviewed essay with the ASC tutor’s markings and signature or b) a printout of the feedback from the website. Just attach your materials to the peer review worksheet and in-class peer-reviewed essay that you will turn after the final draft due date.

Note: You cannot receive “double” extra credit if you choose to have your essay reviewed through both the ASC and (though, I would not discourage you from doing so). Also, remember that this extra credit is completely optional. There will be no penalty if you choose not to have your essay reviewed outside of our in-class peer review.

Requirements: You should submit a 1000 word essay (not counting the work cited page), typed and double-spaced. Use Times New Roman font in 12-pt size. Format your paper according to MLA guidelines.

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