Question Description

Term Paper – Project Plan


  1. The Technical Term Paper will include the detailed response tothe network design request. The document will be submitted in MS Wordand will be between 10-15 pages with graphics embedded within thedocument.


    You are a small network design company called Wide-IP that islooking for that big break. As the CTO of the Wide-IP company, yourecently made a persuasive presentation of your company’s approach todesigning networks at a large industry event. The CEO of FictionCorporation, a large retail chain, was impressed by your presentation.It looks like you’ve finally got your break! You have a small team of 10technically proficient staffers with a strong background in projectmanagement, networking, and internetworking skills that include PMP,Network+, CCNP, and CISSP credentials.You have been selected by Fiction Corporation to develop a network design document and plan without an RFP.


    Fiction Corporation, a large national retail chain of 10,000employees and 500 retail outlets, is migrating its one primary datacenter operation to a new headquarters building several miles away. Thecompany wishes to upgrade its network and correct any security flaws inits infrastructure as part of this move. The Fiction CEO has informedyou that the capital budget for this migration cannot exceed $500,000and must not interrupt business operations. What follows is a briefbackground that will serve as your foundation in developing the networkdesign.The data in the center supports remote retail locations, anoff-site 100 seat call center and 3 remote warehousing operations 24hours a day with annual uptime at 99.9%. Any significant downtime to itsproduction systems would impact Fiction Corporation’s operations andprofitability. From the data processing viewpoint, the move includes 2large UPS, 4 RS/6000 AIX application servers, 10 virtualized servers and20 PC servers.The network consists of approximately 500 remote location retailstores connected via frame relay (with ISDN backup) to 10 routers at thedata center running a common LAN shared by the entire organization. Theretail operations also run WLANs that are on its own subnet. You willhave a T1 link and ISDN as a primary backup. Network managers also needto monitor the status of remote systems. The SNMP management system mustbe able to detect and report failure of the remote system or itscommunications link and the status of individual applications.The company wishes a seamless migration that minimizes impact toits customers and employees. Any gaps in this background will requireyou to make sound technical and persuasive assumptions that satisfy thecustomer’s goals that are within the budget guidelines.You were selected in part due to your detailed analysis andagreement to an implementation cost that will not exceed $500,000. Yournetwork migration plan will be in phases with noted milestones. Key tothe success of this plan is the availability of a T1 link between theremote sites to support remote bridging and development ofconfigurations for all the remote routers.Include the following in your assignment:

    1. Title page.
    2. Table of contents.
    3. Executive summary.
    4. Project goal.
    5. Project scope.
    6. Design requirements:
      1. Business goals.
      2. Technical goals.
      3. User communities and data stores.
      4. Network applications.
    7. Current state of the network.
    8. Logical design.
    9. Physical design.
    10. Results of network design testing.
    11. Discuss the availability of a T1 link.
    12. Implementation plan with a project schedule.
    13. Project budget with a return on investment calculation.
    14. Design document appendix.


    Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

    • Thiscourse requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistanceand information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link inthe left-hand menu of your course.
    • Include charts or diagrams created in Visio or an equivalent such as Dia. The completed diagrams/charts must be imported into the Word document before the paper is submitted.

    The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

    • Propose a comprehensive network design and project plan.
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