Question Description


  • The particle size of municipal solid waste (MSW) is best described by a distribution of particle sizes. Referring to Figure 4-12 (p. 145):
  • Properties of MSW (For parts A-C, show all of your work for the problems.)
  • A local municipality is selling landfill capacity to a neighboring communities to generate additional revenue for the community. The following specifications are known about the facility:
  • Hammermill Shredder
  • List the waste categories that have a larger particle size than the composite curve.
  • List the waste categories that have a smaller particle size than the composite curve.
  • As the blades on the shredder unit begin to wear, will the particle size of the composite curve be shifted towards larger or smaller particles? Explain how you came to your answer.
  • Looking at Table 4-3 (p. 148), will Houston, TX, or Wilmington, DE, have a coarser particle size distribution? Explain how you came to this determination using best practices in solid waste management. (Your total response for all parts of this question should be at least 200 words.)
  • As a consultant, your client hands you literature that it has received from two manufacturers of shredder equipment. The bulk density specifications of unit “A” is 29.3 lb/ft3 and the bulk density of unit “B” is 435 kg/m3. Which unit will deliver a higher bulk density refuse? Show your work.
  • Referring to Fig 4-1 (p. 127), how far above the floor is the bulk density of the stored MSW when it is compressed to 200 kg/m3?
  • What is the potential concern of the facility manager if the moisture content of the stored MSW is 60%?
  • Prepare a table that compares two different shredder technologies presented in the textbook. In the table, list the advantages and disadvantages for each technology. When preparing the table, think about how your two chosen shredders have evolved over time to meet the needs of solid waste engineers. Include information about this in your table. (Your total response for Part D of this question should be at least 100 words.)
  • 25 acres are reserved for use by neighboring communities.
  • The volume of waste that can go into the landfill will be limited to 2.5 million yd3
  • The neighboring communities are required to deliver MSW at a density of 750 lb/yd3
  • How much revenue can the landfill generate if it charges $45/ton for the waste received from the neighboring communities? Show all work.
  • If the landfill purchases a compressor capable of delivering 1,350 lb/yd3, how much additional revenue can the landfill generate? Show all work.
  • Refer to Fig. 4-6 (p. 138). What pressure needs to be applie to the refuse to deliver a compressed waste to the landfill of 500 lb/yd3?
  • The landfill is developing criteria for purchasing another compression unit. At what pressure must the compressor operate to get a bulk density of 1,080 lb/yd3? (For Parts A-D, show all of your work.)
  • What are some of the best practice alternatives that will also generate income to offset landfill operational costs that the municipality might consider if the economics do not support selling landfill capacity to a neighbor? (Your total response for Part E should be at least 200 words.)
  • Figure 4-9 (p. 142) shows a diagram of a vertical hammer shredder. Describe the function of the top half of the unit. What happens if the unit does not properly operate?
  • What is the function of the lower half of the unit? What happens if the unit does not properly operate?
  • Define what is meant by characteristic size? (For Parts A-C, show all of your work.)
  • Using Fig 4-16 (p. 151), does the characteristic size (XO) of the refuse change as higher levels of refuse are processed? How would you explain to your client the variability that you see in the graphs? (Your total response for Part D should be at least 75 words).

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