Question Description

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For this project, you will work individually on a written analysis of the alignment between the IS and business strategies. You will compare these elements for your current work position or an organization for which you have worked in the past. Although these strategic plans might not be actually available to you, there is a great deal you can ascertain simply by considering the extent to which IS is an important part of how you conduct your work. This deliverable should reflect directly on the discussion completed in Week 1. Questions to consider while completing this project include:

  • Has your position changed with respect to IS management throughout this course?
  • Does IS appear to provide value to the process?
  • Are there opportunities for change?

Assignment Guidelines

This project is intentionally open-ended to allow for creativity—which is also evident in the provided exemplars. There are two key components to this project.

  • Assessing systems in your workplace—your IS environment
  • Making a recommendation for change

Project Details

This project is broken down into four gradable segments.

Segment One: Content Description (60 points; 30% project grade)

The description of the environment and articulation of the importance of IS in the environment. The environment should be described in enough detail to allow the reader to understand why IS is important. In other words, when you say how IS is important in your organization, there should be enough detail about the organization and context to allow the reader to understand the importance.

Segment Two: Recommendations (60 points; 30% project grade)

Detailed recommendations for future changes. Articulating the change as well as why this change will make a positive difference will be important. The value of IT systems is largely linked to the ability of the systems to enable the firm to meet strategic objectives.

Segment Three: Research (40 points; 20% project grade)

The inclusion of external resources, data, research, and materials. You need to draw from sources other than the course textbook to inform your work. I recommend at least five external sources, which could be anything from trade publications, interviews with relevant stakeholders in the organization or other experts, to academic journals. Be sure to reference them in APA format (both inline citations and references).

Segment Four: Quality and Professionalism (40 points; 20% project grade)

The quality and professionalism of the writing. This includes a compelling story. Spelling and grammar are a part of this (do not turn in work that has not been fully proofed and reviewed). Making the case for the importance of existing and recommended IT solutions is also a part of this effort.

Project Criteria

Following the preceding parameters, you must complete the following to succeed with this project.

  • Write an essay with a minimum of 1500 words.
  • This essay must be formatted according to APA guidelines—you may want to refer to the Purdue OWL website (Links to an external site.) for support.
  • Your essay must include appropriate inline citations and an appropriate reference list.
  • You must meet the specifics outlined in each individual project segment described in the Project Details.

Please, see the attached chapters from the book (Pearlson, K.; Saunders, C.; Galletta, D. (2020). Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach, 7th Edition.) that should be used as one of references. There are also examples how the paper should look like.

The organization I work for is the property management, RE Carroll Management Company.

Discussion for week one was: What makes information, and the systems that handle information, important to a manager? Why should a manager comprehend and participate in decisions regarding the systems that handle information?

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