Question Description

Copy/paste your filled out Excel spreadsheet into a Word document, and submit as one file. There is no narrative/written portion.

Excel spreadsheet link below

Colley worksheet #4 update for assignment.xlsx

Assignment -Worksheet #4

You are in the business of making airbags for cars/SUVs/trucks (all models/types/brands).

Prior to developing the market selection model we need to determine the market screening indicators. You have been provided a list of indicators to be used in the initial screening model for airbags for your three chosen countries. The use of indicators to indicate foreign market sales potential is discussed in detail in Chapter 4 on pages 36-43. Page 44 shows the Indicators. In the worksheet for your homework, the indicators have been slightly modified.

In addition to completing the attached worksheet your group will need to add 3-4 indicators specific to the industry and product being researched as you deem appropriate.

Go to this website below and choose three countries listed from 1 to 131 only. This is a group assignment, but it is okay if other groups choose the same country(ies). (Links to an external site.)

Please be somewhat diverse in your choices. For example, don’t choose, France, Germany, England. An good example might be Greece, Tanzania, Mexico.

Because you are in the airbag business, you will need to determine which indicators are important for initial screening. Find the data for each indicator (as best you are able – the last two main categories become more difficult), fill in each indicator, add 3-4 indicators to the bottom of the worksheet (plus the relevant data), save the worksheet, and submit.


Fill in the worksheet for each indicator for each country.

Note with an “x” in the column if the indicator has no value (as perceived by your group) in determining whether the information is important in determining whether to enter the market. Even if you determine the indicator has no value, include the information. For future reference/use …. in the “no value” column, if the indicator has value, then on a scale from .1 to 1 (with 1 being the highest) please estimate the importance of the indicator in determining the country of choice to export your product.

You will only need to fill out in the following columns in the spreadsheet for each country: “Value as an indicator”, and “Data”. All rows should be filled in with the data you have found (example, gender makeup, 41% male, 59% female)

After completing the spreadsheet, highlight in yellow the 6-8 indicators that you believe are most important to determine which country to enter.


Export Rubric

Export Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompletenessCompleteness of data in spreadsheet, accurate data

40 pts


32 pts


28 pts


24 pts


22.67 pts


40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFollowing Instructions –Understanding the assignment

10 pts


9 pts


8 pts


7 pts


6 pts


10 pts

Total Points: 50

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