Question Description

Review the HIPAA regulations on the Health and Human Services website. In your own words, where do you think laws, ethics, and values come from? What are your concerns about not violating HIPAA regulations? Give an example of when can be lawful, but unethical. (250-300 words)

Explore the various articles on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act on the HIPAA for Professionals website.

How can the ACA and NAADAC codes of ethics help a professional in providing services to someone with different values than your own? What actions might you take to help you work through this conflict? (100 words)

DQ’s and Substantive Posts

  • Initial DQ Substantive Requirements: 250-300 words with appropriate APA citations
  • DQ Response Substantive Requirements: 150 words minimum with appropriate APA citations
  • Substantive posts include: responses to classmates, responses to instructor; responses to supplementary questions added by instructor during the week
    • Only removing quotations marks in a source citation is still considered quoting directly
    • Not providing in-text citations for sources used is considered plagiarism
    • Adding a reference list at the end of your submission w/o in-text citations, does not meet reference citation criteria and pts will be deducted
    • Not using APA guide for correct references and in-text citations will also reduce scores
  • Graduate Online Course participation includes posting 1 substantive post on 3 separate days each (points are deducted if all participation requirements aren’t met).
  • Before submitting any post, ask yourself: was my post substantive did it meet appropriate APA citations guidelines, was the writing style formal/technical or informal/conversational, did you double/triple check for grammatical/spelling errors prior to submission?
  • Review corrective feedback in LW for previous assignments and apply corrections to subsequent assignments (i.e review for typos and grammatical errors prior to submission as well as formatting, spelling and sentence construction error). Numerous errors will reduce scores
  • Every source and or website is not credible, APA citations should be scholarly peer-reviewed articles and credible websites (i.e. government and known health organizations).

When posting substantive responses to fellow classmates, be mindful of the following:

  • Simply restating or copying/pasting what the student wrote into your response will not count as substantive post
  • Simply stating, one line statements such as “Nice post” or “I like your post” will not count as a substantive response
  • Copying and pasting from a website or other source will not count as a substantive response and maybe considered plagiarism if not cited appropriately in your reply/response post
  • Critical thinking and the application of experiential discussions and reflections should be part of your responses (in other words, draw from personal experiences and their relationship to the discussion)
  • Utilizing and appropriately citing text and journal sources in your discussions are also helpful toward substantive responses

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