Question Description

I’m working on a information technology question and need guidance to help me learn.

I’m working on a information technology question and need guidance to help me study.

need the chapter 7 and 8 of zybooks completed. When doing the lab activity i also need comments in the code telling what each line does. example would be thisKeys to Success for this Week

  1. Participate in the discussions
  2. Complete all participation activities each week.
  3. Complete all your labs, and please add comments to your code as follows before submitting it for grading.
    • Your comments should include an introduction section at the beginning of your code stating your name, the lab number, and what your script is supposed to do. E.g.
      # Ryan Johnson
      # Lab
      # This code reads the needed values from standard
      # input and outputs a story using the values read
    • You may add in-line comments or block comments to explain what a line of code is doing. E.g.
# Read the first name, generic location, whole number, and plural noun from the command line
first_name = input()
generic_location = input()
whole_number = input()
plural_noun = input()

the name you would use would be Ryan Johnson and whatever the lab number is, and then so forth

Lab Activities

  • Modules may contain multiple labs. You are required to complete and submit all labs for that module.
  • Make sure to use the Develop mode in zyLabs as you write your code. Many zyLabs have multiple test cases that your program will need to pass. Create a little bit of code, then click Develop to test the code and see how it is working. Remember to include input values in the Enter Program Input window if your program requires them.
  • Continue developing until you believe your program can handle all the test cases. When you are ready to submit your code for grading, change to Submit mode and click the Submit for Grading button.
  • Lab activities allow multiple submissions. If your code doesn’t pass all the tests the first time, you should debug your code and submit again.
  • Be attentive to the rubric below. Your code will be graded in categories such as formatting and efficiency, not just functionality. Even if your code passes all test cases in zyBooks, this is not sufficient to earn a 100% on the lab.


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