Question Description


Here is the question :


1. Design the inductor L required in order to connect the converter with the grid

respecting the maximum ripple ΔI and calculate the resistor R that models the

inductor loss

2. Calculate the inverter voltage needed to inject the rated power into the grid

3. Build an average Plecs model of the system, representing the inverter as a

controllable voltage source. Demonstrate that the calculations done in 2 are correct,

showing the average power exchanged with the AC grid

4. Calculate the transfer function of the plant represented by the converter. The input

is the voltage demand to the PWM and the output is the grid current. Show the

current control block diagram.

5. Design, using Matlab “sisotool”, the current control based on a continuous

implementation in the s-domain with the following specifications: Damping factor

ζ=0.7, Natural Frequency fo=500Hz (ωo=2*π*500 rad/s)

6. Implement the controller in the average Plecs model. Provide an AC current

reference that enables the exchange of a desired active power and zero reactive

power. Show that the close loop control can follow the current reference in steady

state, commenting on any discrepancies you find. In addition, show the response of

the system to the following transients: case A) power step from 0 to P/2 and from

P/2 to P and case B) power step from 0 to –P/2 and from -P/2 to –P and discuss

how it relates with the expected closed loop performances.

Hint: make sure you design a simple block the receives the desired AC

power reference and generates the required AC current reference

7. Design the DC link capacitor in order to achieve the desired voltage ripple at rated

power P

8. Calculate the transfer function of the plant represented by the converter. The input

is AC power reference and the output is the square of the DC voltage. Show the

voltage control diagram.

9. Simulate the DC voltage control with a Plecs block diagram implementation and

show voltage transients. Show the overall voltage plus current control diagram and


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