Question Description

This blog-post is an updated version of your manifesto1.0 (attached) that incorporates what you’ve learned in class. Your task here is to turn your original manifesto into a sharper version (still no more thanl 750 words). This is very hard to do well; do not underestimate the amount of time needed to revise your writing and incorporate all the new thoughts you have.

Some things to consider incorporating:

– key concepts from class (e.g., identity, intersectionality, multiculturalism) – you can also write about social dominance orientation (just be sure to cover at least one of these concepts), with definitions/citations as needed (but these should be limited! the goal is to keep it in your own words as much as possible–it’s your manifesto!)

– key theories from class (e.g., stereotyping theory, social identity theory), with definitions/citations as needed (same rule)

– new evidence/examples related to particular groups covered in class (e.g., working class, Native Americans, etc.)

Some things to consider trimming:

– vague initial formulations of your ideas (hopefully you feel clearer about these issues and where you stand on them after a few weeks of discussion and new ideas)

– lengthy examples (better to have a few concise, sharp examples)

– long quotes from other people’s work (per above, the goal is for you to articulate YOUR theory, though sometimes it can be helpful to start with a “straw man:” e.g., “smart person X says ‘we should be colorblind.’ I say that doesn’t work in US politics, and here’s why.”).

You should expect to cite (briefly!) at least one source from class. More are fine, but don’t overstuff your blog post–it is still meant to be mainly your words!

This time, DO NOT use outside sources, be sure to use only the sources I provided! (you also need to delete all the contents that used the outside source)

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