Question Description

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ posts and comment ontheir consideration for choosing to go forward with a qualitative study. $5 post

Post your responses to the following:

  • Explainwhat social change means to you as a Walden doctoral candidate. Whatexperiences from the course most influenced your understanding?

Asa doctoral student I have learned that social change is an inevitablething. Society is always evolving. Although all changes that occur maynot be for the greater good, I strongly believe that research is veryimportant to assist in the process of promoting positive social change.It is important that we understand that we all hold the power to sparksocial change!

  • Explain what in qualitative research you would like to know more about as a result of taking this course.

Iwould like to know more about coding. I found this task to be one ofthe more challenging assignments that we had. I know with more practice Iwill have more of a thorough understanding.

  • Reflecton your problem statement and the next steps for developing a researchtopic for your dissertation or doctoral study. Include an explanation ofwhether you would choose a qualitative approach, why or why not.

Priorto this class I was considering a quantitative approach. Due to thenature of my proposed dissertation topic it was my personal belief thatqualitative data would better suit my study as I analyze recidivismrates among juveniles. Now that I have a more in depth understanding ofqualitative research, I am considering a mixed methods approach.

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