Question Description

I’m working on a html / css project and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Create a simple Photo Gallery application in PHP.


Use Cases:


  • User uploads new photo to photo album including meta data (Name, Date, Location, Photographer)
  • User views all photos currently in photo album as gallery
  • User chooses sorting method by selecting from choice of meta fields in dropdown
  • User can choose to upload additional photos from gallery screen (back to upload form)


General Requirements for Successful Submission:


  • Program the following files in collaboration with your chosen partner:
    • index.html – contains the photo upload form in HTML
    • gallery.php – contains the script storing the uploaded file in a folder called “uploads” and displays all files currently in that folder, allowing for sorting as specified in wireframes associated with this assignment


Additional Comments


You may find that including a CSS framework (e.g. Bootstrap or Foundation) will make the creation of this application easier, especially when using existing building blocks like this one:


The use of any framework(s) is optional, but getting familiar with them will allow you to complete assignments faster.


Uploaded files are first moved into a temporary directory on the web server. Use move_uploaded_file($_FILES[“fileToUpload”][“tmp_name”],”uploads/”.$_FILES[“fileToUpload”][“name”]); to move the uploaded file to a subdirectory named “uploads”. Note that you will have to allow PHP scripts to write into this directory.

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