Question Description


Refer back to the Theory-to-Practice Project Overview to see how this assignment fits into the overall project. Use your Theory-to-Practice Outline and your instructor’s feedback to compose your Theory-to-Practice Draft Paper. Your draft should draw heavily upon your Theory Portfolio assignments. In doing so, you will free yourself to spend time on connecting the disparate ideas from the various papers and discussions into a single, cohesive paper.

Action Items

  1. Compose a 12- to 15-page paper in which you include:
    • An introductory paragraph that includes the criminal behavior and theories used in the paper and a brief description of the content of the paper.
    • A description of the FBI Most Wanted criminal.
    • Descriptions of each of the theories selected that includes the strengths and limitations of each.
    • An analysis of major societal changes that impacted the theories selected.
    • A critical analysis of how each theory explains the criminal behavior.
    • An explanation of how each theory informs either crime control, prevention, or treatment.
    • The implications of each theory for either police, courts, or corrections.
  2. At least 24 hours before the due date indicated, submit your assignment. Your work will automatically be checked by Turnitin.

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