Question Description

    • Read:


Jennifer Davis. Intellectual PropertyLaw Core Text. Vol. 4th ed, OUP Oxford, 2012.


Rimai, Donald S. A Guide forImplementing a Patent Strategy : How Inventors, Engineers, Scientists,Entrepreneurs, and Independent Innovators Can Protect Their IntellectualProperty. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2018.



Week 6 Discussion: Writing thePatent Application

Torts are civil or legal injury to aperson or property caused by a breach of a legal duty. In the field ofintellectualproperty torts that arise usually involve the violation of a patent,trademark,copyright, or other protection that has been granted to an item ofintellectualproperty by another. Intellectual property rights are sacrosanct in theUnitedStates system of governance. The US Constitution itself addresses theneeds for intellectual-property reading in part that Congress shall“promote the Progress of Science anduseful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors theexclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries”.

Whatshould this constitutional directive mean though in practical terms?

Undercurrent US patent law inventors can apply for a patent that grants them amonopoly and exclusive right to make, use, or sell an invention for 20 years. Patentscan be granted for inventions, designs, or processes (software patent). Inprevious weeks we have discussed issues related to granting patents for seedsand plants. once had a 20 year patent (now expired) over the “one-click”check out process making them the only e-commerce website that could allowcustomers to click a buy now button and make a purchase in one click withouthaving to re-enter payment and shipping information. Any other website thatwanted to do this was forbidden or had to pay a licensing fee to Amazon.Copyright law now offers protection for the entire life of the author plus anadditional 70 years for their creations.

In this discussion provide youropinion about intellectual property law in the United States. Does it go to faror not far enough? Are people able to seek patents and intellectual propertyprotections for things that should not be able to be patented or protected? Dothe protections for some things last too long? Consider all of the readings wehave had in the course thus far in formulating your response. Describe whatchanges if any you would make to intellectual property laws in the UnitedStates.
In your two responses to your peers, respond to your peer’s analysis and discusswhat if anything they concluded that was different than what you concluded aswell as what was similar. Follow up with your own post regarding the same.

Discussion Rubric

Initial discussion board posts aredue by Wednesday at 11:59P EST.

Two further reply posts are due bySunday at 11:59 PM EST





Content and Relevancy of InitialPost

5.0 pts


Expresses opinions and ideas ina clear manner with obvious connection to topic. Facilitates classdiscussion. Utilizes course materials and outside sources that are relevantto the discussion; uses APA styled citations.

4.0 pts


States opinions and ideasclearly. Ideas are well organized and facilitate discussion. Post addressesthe given topic. Utilizes course materials that are relevant to the discussion;uses APA styled citations.

2.0 pts


Somewhat short in length,offering no further insight into the topic. Unclear connection to topicevidenced by minimal expression of opinions or ideas. May not cite sourceswith APA citations.

0.0 pts


Short or irrelevant remarks.Does not express opinions or ideas clearly. Post does not relate to thediscussion content.

5.0 pts


3.0 pts


Fully engages in the discussion.Presents two or more relevant responses that further class discussion byoffering insightful comments or questions. These responses have thepotential to motivate others to continue the discussion.

2.0 pts


Engages in the discussion.Presents at least two relevant responses that further the class discussion.

1.0 pts


Minimal engagement in the classdiscussion. There is only one relevant response which contributes to thediscussion.

0.0 pts


Does not engage in-classdiscussion as it develops. Responses are so poorly constructed that theycontribute little or nothing to the discussion.

3.0 pts

Conventions of Writing

1.0 pts


Utilizes correct grammar andspelling.

0.0 pts


Utilizes poor spelling andgrammar; writing appears hastily composed with little to no proofreading.

1.0 pts


1.0 pts

Full Marks

Submitted posts by the posteddue date.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Did not submit the initial postby the posted due date, but the initial post was submitted within thediscussion week.

1.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0

Written Assignment:

Handbook Writing the Application

The final step in securing a patent is to write the actualcomplete patent application. This week you will be drafting the section of thethe handbook that speaks to the final actual process of writing the patentapplication once it has been determined that it makes sense to pursue a patentfor an invention and that the invention is unique, valid, and worthy of protection.In writing the patent application care must be paid towards how the inventionis described and how to write the patent application with your competitorsneeds in mind. You want to make sure your patent empowers you and your businessand stymies efforts by your competitors to bring about an identical product.

Your job in this assignment is to play the role of a patentengineer manager and provide guidance to the other patent engineers yousuperviseabout writing the patent application. Make sure to describe the actualprocessof writing the patent application once it has been determined that apotentialpatent claim is unique, valid, and worthy of intellectual propertyprotection. Your response should be 1,000 to 1,500 words in length.

Week6 Written Assignment – Writing a Patent Application





The introduction providessufficient background on the topic and previews major points. The conclusionis logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.

10.0 pts


Paragraph transitions are presentand logical, and flow is maintained throughout the paper. Sentences arecomplete, clear, and concise. Sentence transitions are present and maintainthe flow of thought. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.Spelling and word usage are correct. The font type should be professional andreadable. There should be font consistency. Formatting should not distractfrom document content.

10.0 pts


All key elements of the assignmentare covered in a substantive way. Discussions of topics outlined in theproject are stated clearly, are supported by specific details (examples oranalysis), and are organized logically. The paper links theory to relevantexamples of current experience and industry practice and uses the vocabularyof the theory correctly.

60.0 pts


You provide clear guidanceregarding the process of writing a patent application. You discuss theactual process of writing the patent application once it has been determinedthat a potential patent claim is unique, valid, and worthy of intellectualproperty protection.

20.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

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