Question Description

As you consider your learning throughout the weeks of this course, what stands out as being the most valuable? You may have gained an understanding about the dissertation prospectus that will help you better plan your research. You may have practiced a skill that will support your writing, not only of your formal prospectus, but also of the dissertation that will follow.

This week, you discuss with your colleagues your thoughts and insights regarding your participation in this course. You also discuss ways you might apply your learning.

By Day 4

Post by Day 4 a synthesis of your experience in this course. Then, explain what aspects of this course, both online and synchronous, were the most valuable for you both personally and professionally. Be sure to include any insights gained from the Learning Resources and from your synchronous sessions. Finally, explain what professional development steps you will take to continue building on what you learned and experienced online and during the synchronous sessions. Be sure to include how your learning might influence your next steps in the dissertation process.

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