Question Description

Part A

Identify and explore a mobile application that has a compelling user interface and explain what the application does. Most importantly, emphasize the contribution of the user interface. Does the user interface have a look and feel that brings to mind any popular design pattern (or application) among mobile as well as desktop applications?

Part B

In response to your peers, discuss how the graphical user interface controls are presented. Consider this mobile application’s user Interface for the purpose of the design of your own application. Cite specific examples.

Peer 1 Post: This week I’ve decided to open an application I unfortunately have neglected for a few years. It’s my Apple Books application. Since it has been so long, I was able to put a fresh pair of eyes on the app. My thought process when opening a utility app is, “how easy is it for the user to get right into the basic use of the app?” In this case, how easy is it for me to find a book and start reading it? Are there a bunch of unnecessary pop ups or settings I need to establish before reading a book?
I think the application’s UI does a great job of making the user feel they have an easily accessible, virtual library in the palm of their hands. Along the bottom of the app there are 5 menus the user can select. The most important option is labeled Library, which is where all my owned readings are stored. The next most important menu is labeled Book Store, and you guessed it, this is where the user can purchase readings. No matter the menu selected, book cover art work covers the layout and this is very appealing to the eye. All the user has to do is select a book cover and they are brought to a specific page describing the selected book with reviews, pricing, and similar titles.

Peer 2 Post: I guess one of the most compelling applications I use for both the computer and my tablet is the Hulu app. There are some differences between both applications. They both have a login or register system are both the same. However, once you get into the app on the table the movies are setup by category that goes along the top. Along the bottom of the application there is the home, my stuff, downloads, and account buttons that make it real convenient when switching between the categories and other buttons. The tablet app uses the scroll with your finger when picking a movie or show to watch, were the app on the computer uses a physical arrow and a row style to scroll through the category that is listed right above the row on the left. When you click on a movie or show on the tablet it automatically shows you the details of the movie or show along with other movies or shows that may interest you. On the computer version of the app you must highlight the movie or show and then click on the details button or the play button. There is a check button you can use to either add or remove from my stuff. There are many more differences between both apps, but the ones listed above are the most common that I use. Personally, I think that the app on the tablet is easier to use then the app on the computer.

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