Question Description

Week 2: Leadership Effectiveness

Have you ever looked at a leader and wondered about the qualities required to become a leader? You are probably familiar with the expressions “achilles heel” or “chink in the armor.” Have you ever explored the fact that leaders might also have specific drawbacks, just like other people?

This week, you will be introduced to leadership effectiveness in a rapidly changing environment. You will also be involved in the study of vision and learning in relation to ethical leadership.

Discussion: Management

The terms “management” and “leadership” are often used interchangeably in the business world to refer to someone who manages a team of people. In reality, being a manager and being a leader have different meanings. Many people, however, are both. They have management jobs, but they lead to manage.

Based on your reading for this week, In your own words, write a 2-3 paragraphs essay and define management and leadership. What do you feel are the differences between the two terms?

Required Readings


Course Text: The ethics of leadership by Joanne B. Ciulla

  • Chapter 2, “Virtue and the Public and Private Morality of Leaders”

Chapter 2 looks at leadership from the perspective of virtue. The chapter also helps you reflect on the public and private morality of leaders.

Focus on the major moral characters of leaders and on the idea that leaders are subject to the same flaws and weaknesses as everyone else.

Course Text: Principle-centered leadership by Stephen R. Covey

  • Chapter 5, “A Break with the Past”

Chapter 5 explores the fact that almost every significant breakthrough is the result of a courageous break from the traditional ways of thinking.

Focus on the paradigm shifts that are sudden liberations from old limits. These shifts offer distinctively new ways of thinking about old problems.

  • Chapter 6, “Six Days of Creation”

Chapter 6 focuses on the belief that all real growth and progress is made step by step, following a natural sequence of development.

Focus on the fact that this sequential development process is common to all growth.

  • Chapter 7, “Seven Deadly Sins”

Chapter 7 focuses on the seven sins that can destroy us, as suggested by Mahatma Gandhi. The chapter also covers the seven habits that will help you avoid these seven sins.

Focus on the fact that the antidote for each of these sins is an explicit external standard, or something based on natural principles and laws, not on social values

  • Chapter 8, “Moral Compassing”

Chapter 8 describes the fact that when managing in the wilderness of the changing times, a map is of limited use. A moral compass is of more use in such a situation.

Focus on the principles that are like a compass. The compass represents the truths of life.

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