Question Description

Getting Started

“Case 4: Middleboro Community Mental Health Center” provides mentalhealth services and programs to the population of Hillsboro County. Thisweek’s assignment addresses elements from your previous course work inhealth issues, healthcare technology, and information management. It isdesigned to assess your competence in identifying problems andopportunities, critical thinking, knowledge of the community and theenvironment, and information management, all of which are competenciesidentified by employers and recognized by the American College ofHealthcare Executives (ACHE).

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Define problems and opportunities within the community’s healthcare delivery environment.
  • Support a commitment to Christ-like character in healthcare industry interactions.
  • Assess the strategic value of technology to provide healthcare services.
  • Develop a proposal to address a current health issue.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of information relevant to the community’s healthcare delivery environment.


  • Textbook: The Middleboro Casebook: Healthcare Strategy and Operations
  • Website: OCLS

Background Information

Healthcare organizations today are faced with a multitude ofstrategic opportunities. Sometimes these opportunities come aboutthrough changes in technology, other times through demands placed on thehealthcare system from the community. Middleboro Community MentalHealth Center is faced with two such strategic opportunities. Your jobis to guide the organization in making the appropriate strategicdecisions.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Read “Case 4: Middleboro Community Mental Health Center” in the textbook.
  3. Address the following questions and provide appropriate quantitative justification to support your conclusions and recommendations (this should be one to two pages in length and adhere to proper APA form).
    1. Using innovative technologies to provide services has beendemonstrated elsewhere. Describe how telebehavioral health has beenused, and assess it as a potential addition to the services of ouragency.
    2. What are its costs and benefits?
    3. Should our agency potentially adopt this approach?
  4. Develop a three to five page draft of a white paper proposing programs and services to begin to address the opiate crisis in Hillsboro County.
    1. The draft should include an assessment of need, as well as the elements of an integrated approach to addressing the problem.
    2. The programmatic approach should be realistic and achievable, befinancially sustainable, have measurable outcomes, and (hopefully)involve the best collaborative efforts of the many communitystakeholders (e.g., MCMHC, schools, healthcare providers, social serviceorganizations).
    3. The proposal should demonstrate a commitment to Christ-like character by the organization.
  5. Turn your work into the instructor by using the Assignment submission page by the end of the workshop.

This one has the highest score of 100.I scanned and attached Case 4 from Text book.Pls write a quality authentic paper as mentioned above.Thank you.

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