Question Description


I need a paper answering these questions.

1-Adam Smith once wrote that “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.” This seemingly self-evident logic has helped propel economic liberalism as the dominant school of thought in the postwar period.

Is economic liberalism (aka free market capitalism) the most efficient and productive economic model we have? What about the alternative schools of thought? Are they serious challengers? Why or why not? ( 350 Words + 3 References).

2- 1.Choose a specific case study (a particular country or bilateral relationship between two countries) and articulate a specific statement identifying the causal relationship between globalization and conflict.

In a one-to-two paragraph synopsis, provide a brief exposition of why you believe your argument has merit.Of course, you are free to change your mind after conducting further research!

Include statistics to support your arguments.

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