Lession 8 Gradable Discussion – African Clans

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1. Describe the typical African clan and discuss its role in African society.

2. How does that compare to other early societies?

Read Chapters 5 and 18 of Connections

Answer the following questions:

1.  How did North American Amerinds react to their different environments?

2. How did Olmec society influence the subsequent development of Maya civilization?

3. How did the Inca and Aztec empires differ?

Write a MINIMUM three-page document, double-spaced, 12 font, with detailed information in a Windows Word, Google document, or PDF file.  Cite your sources after each question. 

Lesson 10 Gradable Discussion – Machiavelli

22 unread replies.22 replies.

1. Give an example of an American president or a foreign leader, and their policies, that have acted Machiavellian at times.

Read Chapters 9 and 16 of Connections.

Primary Source Paper.  (Worth 12% of final grade)  A minimum of five pages is required!!  This will count as a final exam.

Answer the following questions:

1. Click on the following link, https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/halsall/sbook1k.asp (Links to an external site.) and scroll down to "The First Crusade."  Click on "Urban II: Speech at Clermont and write a couple paragraphs concerning his call for the Crusades.  Then select one of the articles from "Attack on the Jews" and explain that article.  Finally, select one of the articles in "The Journeys and Battles of the Crusades" and explain that article.  Include the authors in each of your articles.

2. Click on the following link, http://www2.iath.virginia.edu/osheim/intro.html (Links to an external site.) and view the effects of the Bubonic Plague on the three mentioned cities of the Italian Peninsula.  Write a paragraph for each of the first two cities. Include the author in your writing.

3. Click on the following link, https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/sbook1y.asp (Links to an external site.) and select three articles from "Precursors and Papal Critics."  Write a paragraph for each article.  Include the author in your writing.

4. At the end of the paper, add your opinion or analysis of what you gained from this research. 

Your essay should be a minimum of Five full pages, double-spaced. The information should come from the Primary source links contained in the assignment.  Please cite your sources and be familiar with the college policy on Plagiarism.

The Assignment will be graded within 36 hours of the due date.

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