NEXT, create an outline for your paper using the chart below and the work you’re doing in your thesis workshop this week. Remember that a good thesis offers an outline of the major points you’ll make in your paper. The outline you do here will expand further on those major points and put them in a logical order. Remember also that an analysis is more than a summary; your topic/discussion points should not simply sum up various elements of the text; they should break down those elements to examine how they work on readers/viewers. These sections should be written in full, clear sentences.

PLEASE USE THE TEMPLATE BELOW TO COMPLETE YOUR ASSIGNMENT. A downloadable version of the template below is here: ASSIGNMENT TEMPLATEPreview the document

Submit your outline with at least three topic/discussion points in addition to your freewriting, working thesis statement, and conclusion strategy, uploaded as a Word file to Canvas by 11:59pm EST/10:59 CST on Day 7. Note: You may need more than three discussion points for the final essay, but you are only required to outline three here.



Steps 1-3 Assignments RubricSteps 1-3 Assignments RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis Process50.0 to >45.0 ptsExcellentAll responses show insight, depth, and display that the student grasps both the content of the text/assignment as well as the concepts addressed in the prompts. Sentence structure is clear and does not contain grammatical errors.45.0 to >40.0 ptsAcceptableMost responses attempt to provide insight and depth, but all do not fully demonstrate a grasp of the content of the text/assignment nor the concepts addressed in the prompts. While sentence structure does not impact meaning, it contains some grammatical errors.40.0 to >35.0 ptsDevelopingMany responses do not provide insight and depth, nor do they demonstrate a grasp of the content of the text/assignment and the concepts addressed in the prompts. Sentence structure may impact meaning and contains grammatical errors.35.0 to >0.0 ptsIncompleteMany responses are incomplete or missing. There is no display of insight and depth, and responses do not demonstrate a grasp of the content of the text/assignment or the concepts addressed in the prompts. Sentence structure seriously impacts clarity.0.0 ptsMissingStudent did not complete the assignment.50.0 pts
Total Points: 50.0PreviousNext


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