Question Description

Avant-Garde & Surrealism *DISCUSSION 11

After reading the lecture in this Module, doing the assigned book reading, and viewing Un Chien Andalou and Black Swan please post one initial post responding to BOTH Part I and Part II below.

In one to two FULL paragraphs, comment on the film Un Chien Andalou (1929) and how it follows the ideas of surrealism and the unconscious mind.

In one to two FULL paragraphs, comment on any scene of your choice in Black Swan (2010) and how it follows the ideas of surrealism and the unconscious mind.

Note for both Part I and Part II:
Your comments and analysis will be specific to the topic of this Module (surrealism) but feel free to address any other topics we’ve learned about in this class if you believe the filmmakers use it as a means to deliver something surreal. For example, if you believe that the filmmakers use photography to give us something that looks surreal then comment on the photography.

PLEASE NOTE: A “full” paragraph is judged by its quality, not quantity. You must demonstrate you have a full understanding of the topic/s.

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