Question Description

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Walden University. (2016a). Scholars of change. Retrieved from…

Walden University. (2016b). Social change. Retrieved from

Document: Final Project Guidelines (PDF)

Discussion: Call to Action for Social Change

Social change leaders have always relied on persuasive approaches to galvanize support for their causes. For this Discussion, you developed a call to action designed to garner immediate support for a specific cause. This week, you will share and critique your work with your colleagues.

In preparation for this Discussion:

  • Review the calls to action posted by your colleagues in the Week 6 Discussion Forum.
  • Consider the effectiveness of these communications and why or why not they succeed.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 2

Post a response to the Discussion Spark post. Your response should contain at least two significant paragraphs.

Discussion Spark


Please post your response as a reply to this post. You should have at least two paragraphs addressing the Discussion Spark. You are not required to do additional research or cite the textbook for Discussion Spark posts. If, however, you refer to the textbook or other sources in your post, be sure to cite them appropriately.

This week’s course instructions begin with a quotation from social change activist Paul Rogat Loeb: “Whatever our situations, we all face a choice. We can ignore the problems that lie just beyond our front doors; we can allow decisions to be made in our names that lead to a meaner and more desperate world. We can yell at TV newscasters and complain about how bad things are, using our bitterness as a hedge against involvement. Or we can work, as well as we can, to shape a more generous common future.”

What are your thoughts on this statement? To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view? What do you find most or least persuasive about his statement? How would you relate his statement to the social change movements we’ve studied in this course?

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