Provide a paper of at least 750 words (or 2 pages double spaced, 12 pitch Time Romans) on how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe how these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

This is NOT an APA Research paper. If outside publications or resource material are used, include the appropriate APA formatting and citations.

This assignment asks that you reflect on how the knowledge and skills obtained through this course could be applied in the workplace. This is NOT an overview of the assignments or textbook used in the course.

You might consider looking at the Course Objectives in the syllabus OR the table-of-contents of the course textbook to identify topics to discuss. However, do not copy these Objectives or Chapter titles into your paper – just consider using them to help you think about what to write.

I might recommend you start the paper by saying “I currently work as (or plan to work as) a … and the following is how Information Security Risk Management might be used in my current or future position.”

You can use the course objectives (listed in the course Syllabus) as a guide:

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