Question Description

Student’s Name _________________________________Date ____________

The role play demonstration documentation, due Day 7 of Week 9

Was not submitted on time and/or did not contain most of the required information


Was submitted on time and contained most required information


Was submitted on time and contained all required information



The role play demonstration conveyed:

Not Observed or Presented Ineffectively


Presented Somewhat Effectively


Presented Effectively


Believable interactions

A clear presenting problem

Preparedness (in the scenario demonstration and in the demonstrations of the therapist and patient roles)

The role play psychopharmacology content included:

Not Observed or Presented Ineffectively


Presented Somewhat Effectively


Presented Effectively


Accurate content

Relevant content (that is, the pharmacology information applies to the patient’s situation)

Clear, easy-to-understand content (that is, information is communicated clearly to the patient)

The therapist in the role play demonstration:

Not Observed or Presented Ineffectively


Presented Somewhat Effectively


Presented Effectively


Established and maintained rapport

Asked questions of the patient

Encouraged, paraphrased, and summarized

Displayed appropriate nonverbal behavior


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