The saying “an ounce of prevention” is certainly worth much more than “a pound of cure” has been around for ages but it has never been more appropriate than when a company needs to manage the use of technology and social media specifically in the workplace. A good company social networking policy generally defines “social networking” and establishes clear purposes for the policy along with expected behavioral norms; provides guidance regarding use of social media associated with the organization, employees or customers; refers to proprietary and confidential information at risk; and outlines disciplinary measures for violating the social media policy. Some companies have effective social media networking policies that have been utilized as best practices across industries.

Begin this assignment by obtaining a copy of a publicly traded organization’s social media policy (of your choice). You can find examples using the internet. Know that in some cases the social media policy might not be a separate policy, but is either included in an overall technology policy or the employee policy manual. Now, locate a person in your organization that has either been involved in the formation, the monitoring or the enforcement of the policy. Discuss the following questions with the person.

  • Is there a clear purpose underpinning for the social media policy?
  • What image of social media is portrayed from the overall policy?
  • What concepts of social media and employee functions are identified?
  • What social media challenges are identified?
  • What policy strategies have been selected to address these challenges?

Now, review the Social Media Guidelines from your selected publicly traded organization and compare it to your organization’s policy. Finally, summarize the information you learned in a white paper for a new company ready to write their first social media policy. Be sure to include your recommendations.


Abril, P. S., Levin, A., & Del Riego, A. (n.d.). Blurred Boundaries: Social Media Privacy and the Twenty-First-Century Employee. AMERICAN BUSINESS LAW JOURNAL, 49(1), 63–124.…………

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