“Food and Agriculture” Note: Online students please respond to one (1) of the following three (3) bulleted options:

  • “Modern agricultural techniques are necessary to combat starvationall around the globe, notwithstanding their environmental effects.”Based on this statement, take a stance by discussing what this statementmeans to you citing reasons and examples to support your response.
  • Select five (5) commonly used food items throughout the worldincluding grains, vegetables, and fruits. Compare the prices ofconventionally grown versus organically grown crops for your selectedfood items; then, discuss the monetary amount you are personally willingto spend for organically grown food. Justify your response.
  • Determine two (2) aspects of genetically modified foods that youfind most beneficial; then, identify two (2) aspects of geneticallymodified foods that you find most worrisome. Provide support for yourresponse.

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