Question Description

Assessment 3, this course talks about Graduation research. ” law major”

research proposal word doc and ppt and what should i say while presenting

1500 – 2000 word

due date: 7 feb


topic: Over reliance on religious doctrine as a foundation of law and criminal punishment.

The legal problem is that Saudi Arabia does not have a codified criminal law, and the criminal law is based upon Sharia law which sometimes some people get away with criminal acts, so there are some loopholes that lead to the failure to apply the appropriate punishment to the criminal, such as the killer’s reliance on blood money for premeditated murder. The family of the murdered also began to trade blood money and put in large sums of money. Another example is honor killing a killer may be sentenced to a reduced punishment due to anger. In other countries, criminal law is not integrated with religious conventions. This is not the case in Saudi Arabia, where criminal laws are either based on the Quran and Sunnah or cannot contradict the tenets found in these texts. my research will seek to compare the criminal law and procedures of Saudi Arabia and a Western country like the United States to see which system offers a fairer and more reasonable criminal law procedure and criminal punishment. A shift towards a separation between law and religion could benefit the Saudi legal system in the long run.-

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