Question Description

Raisin in the Sun: Research Paper

Write an essay of 4-6 pages, include two secondary sources (essays/books on history, America, the play, the author, literature, etc) and MLA citations. You may certainly use literary devices if they support your point with, say, symbolism, characterization, or word choice. Answer one of these:

– Does the play define the American experience today? Personal examples are acceptable here, as are statistics and recent news.

– How does the play exemplify the concept of the American dream — the idea that anyone can do well if he/she works hard? Does this work even when race is factored in? What about the power struggle between Mrs. Younger and her son? Do the characters succeed?

– Does the story favor assimilation or maintaining a separate Black identity? Do different characters find different answers?

– Compare with the play “Les Blancs” Does the author have different messages about race relations in the two countries of the two stories?

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