Question Description

1.Respond to the following in a minimum of 75 words: include proper grammar, in text citations, reference

The private security industry is as extensive as the public police yet minimally directed. Serious issues include abuse of power, dishonest business practices, non-reporting of violations, and lack of public complaints (Wildhorn, 2020) . Managers and directors should both be licensed and all other employees should be registered by the states, dependent upon set capabilities, with recharging each 2 or 3 years (Wildhorn, 2020). There should also be a state mandate requiring at least 120 hours of training for armed security guards. Government funds may should enhance educational programs, materials, and approach. Strategies should consider everything from sets of standards to use of intensity, usage of weapons, least planning checks, straightforwardness of police records, information sharing, and uniforms. Most importantly, administrative offices should have the ability to screen licensees and registrants and to recognize and adapt to regulations. The issue is that since private security organizations have restricted capacities, they can not perform up to their full capabilities. Numerous organizations are equipped for performing law implementation obligations, however are restricted in light of common liabilities.

2.Respond to the following in a minimum of 75 words: include proper grammar, in text citations, reference

The policy regarding private security training standards in the US is different for every state, rather than having the same set standards. There needs to be a regulated federal training for private security regarding training standards. The training should be standard for all 50 states for the private security industry. The federal government needs to establish and register all licensed private security personnel to better track major problems that occur in the private security field with officers. The private security field is a huge industry, but it is not regulated on a national level. It is only regulated on a statewide level, with each state giving their own training standards or no training standards at all. The private security industry is trying to embrace higher private security standards, through regulation, however it has not come to fruition. Private security interests are affecting the policy development process, policymakers are changing and developing important strategic systems for the private security industry and the public at large. The development of the new policies is changing critical security training aspect for the private security industry, they are incorporating community policing, and with help from homeland security changing the effect on the industry. Policies are targeting and incorporating critical incident planning and response across the nation for the entire private security industry. The 911 attack on US soil really changed the mindset of policymakers regarding the private security industry. Policy makers have realized that the private security industry has a tremendous amount of intelligence it collects for sources and has become increasingly important to collaborate with homeland security. The process of the development of the policies have evolved tenfold to include terrorism, money laundry, identity theft and other major crimes especially the technology systems that may hinder some privacy laws.

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