Question Description

Part A:

Identify an existing mobile application that relies on local storage. Describe what the application does and how the local storage contributes to the overall application. Examples may range from the information in a to-do list to gaming scores and user profiles. Discuss what types of issues may occur involving performance or sharing an application between desktop and mobile applications. An example might be social media apps that store information on your mobile device that you might be interested in accessing from a desktop.

Part B:

In your responses to your peers, compare other examples in this discussion and determine the best practice for storage requirements. Provide solid reasoning for your response.

Peer post 1: based on the practice I have had with the class resources this week, I found a simple app on my phone which seems to create and save a simple local database on my phone. The app is called, WODDeckofCards. Upon running the app, you are prompted to enter 6 different exercises. Each exercise will be paired to a suit from the deck including the joker. The app then randomly selects a card from the deck and the user does the exercise. Based on what I have learned this week, the app seems to create a table which associates a suite to an exercise. It then stores the database locally and calls rows randomly to display to the user. Switching to a desktop version, any saved workouts would not be accessible since the app only stores the data locally.

Peer post 2: Devices today have so much storage space that for the most part you do not need to have additional storage put into the device. So, the application I want to talk about is the google browser. The google browser keep most if not all its information on the device itself. For example, the cache file that is used by google chrome to help make looking for websites easier to find is kept in a text file. Username and passwords are kept on the local device which is also kept on a text file. Finally, if you are anything like my wife you take screen shots of everything which is all so kept on the local device. Believe it or not the browser it self is kept on the local device as it is part of the google android operating system.

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