Planning is the key tosuccessful completion of this course and your overall program of study.The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment requires earlycollaboration with the course faculty and your course mentor. You willneed to establish a plan for successful completion of (1) deliverablesassociated with weekly course objectives, (2), required practiceimmersion hours, and (3) deliverables associated with your capstoneproject.

Access the “Individual Success Plan” resource in theTopic Materials. Read the information in the resource, including studentexpectations and instructions for completing the ISP document.

Usethe “Individual Success Plan” to develop a personal plan for completingyour practice hours and how topic objectives will be met. Include thenumber of hours you plan to set aside to meet your goals.

Acombination of 100 supervised clinical hours in community health andleadership areas will be obtained through the application of theobjectives listed in the Guidelines for Undergraduate Field Experiences manual.

Practicumimmersion experiences are required in a community health setting.Community-based settings should encourage community integration andinvolvement; expand accessibility of services and supports; promotepersonal preference, strengths, dignity; and empower people toparticipate in the economic mainstream.

According to,educational and community-based programs and strategies are designed toreach people outside of traditional health care settings. Thesesettings may include schools, worksites, health care facilities, andcommunities. Community health and leadership practice immersion canoccur in the same site and in conjunction with the evidence-basedproject in the NRS-490 course.

If you are a registered nurse inWashington, your practicum experience must include a minimum of 50 hoursin a community health setting.

Students should apply conceptsfrom prior courses to critically examine and improve their currentpractice. Students should also integrate scholarly readings to developcase reports that demonstrate increasingly complex and proficientpractice.

Consider the challenges you expect to encounter as youcontinue the practice hour and competency requirements throughout thiscourse. How might you overcome these challenges?

You can renegotiate these deliverables with your faculty and mentor throughout this course and update your ISP accordingly.

Onceyour ISP has been developed and accepted by your course faculty, youwill have your course mentor sign it at the beginning of, and uponcompletion of, each assignment that incorporates practice immersionhours. You will track all course practice immersion hours in the ISP.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

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