Question Description

INSTRUCTIONS: Respond to all posts; response to classmates should be thoughtful and advance the discussion, response should make and/or frequent informed references to unit material or scientific literature, follow APA style if resources are used, 75 word minimum in response per post

HI150 Automation of Health Information

Discussion Topic: Differentiate the Four Major Coding Systems


ICD-10-CM is used for diagnoses or explaining the why for a procedure. This code set is used by all healthcare providers and facilities. This code set is controlled by the World Health Organization. This code set is updated every October 1st. An example of an ICD-10-CM code is K51.90 Ulcerative colitis, unspecified, without complications

ICD-10-PCS is used for procedures, or the what that is done. This code set is used only by hospitals/outpatient facilities. This code set is published by the American Medical Association. This code set is updated every October 1st. An example of an ICD-10-PCS code is 10D00Z1 Obstetrics, pregnancy, extraction, products of conception, open, no device, low

CPT is also used for procedures. This code set is used in outpatient care facilities. This code set is also published by the American Medical Association. This code set is updated every January 1st. An example of a CPT code is 90935 Hemodialysis procedure with single evaluation by a physician or other qualified health care professional

HSCPCS is also used to report services and supplies. This code set is used by any facility however not all third-party payers accept their use. This code set is controlled by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This code set is updated every January 1st. An example of a HCPCS code is E0117 Crutch, underarm, articulating, spring assisted, each

Which one is your favorite? I enjoy ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS the most.



Hi Everyone, I’m going to give you a scenario and you tell me what code sets we would need to use.

A patient goes to her physician’s office for a check-up regarding her diabetes.

What code set(s) would be used to code this scenario? Why? If you are not the first to respond make sure your answer takes a new direction.


HS230: Health Care Adminstration

Discussion Topic: Negative Impact

INSTRUCTIONS: Respond to all posts; response to classmates should be thoughtful and advance the discussion, response should make and/or frequent informed references to unit material or scientific literature, follow APA style if resources are used, 75 word minimum in response per post


The health care system faces many issues. Currently, we find ourselves amongst a pandemic that is drastically changing everyday life. The COVID-19 pandemic is unlike any other pandemic that most of us have faced. It has already lasted for months and with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. The number of infected individuals in the United States is amongst the highest in the world. According to a recent publication in the New England Journal of Medicine, The U.S. health care system failed because it refused to make the pandemic a priority early on, it did not make testing widely available at first, it was late and too lax on social distancing guidelines (Blumenthal, et al, 2020). Many individuals are fearful of going to their doctors because of the risk of exposure. The U.S. has to be able to get COVID-19 under control as soon as possible.

Another huge problem that health care faces is insurance. The U.S. utilizes both public and private insurance, but many Americans do not have coverage at all. According to the CDC, 32.8 million Americans between the age of 18-65 do not have health insurance (CDC, 2019). This is a significant amount of people uninsured. For most Americans, health care is not a realistic option without insurance. It is extremely expensive for uninsured people, so most uninsured adults completely avoid seeking health care even when it is needed. It is unfortunate how many Americans are unable to seek basic care. Hopefully there will be better options in the future so that all people can receive basic health care.

~Alexis Francis~


There are many things that are impacting healthcare, but the big one for right now is Covid-19.

Of course we know that it is currently opposing a huge demand on the nurses, physicians and staff within a hospital setting, but what about the part of the healthcare industry that isn’t in a hospital setting, well they are currently experiencing a decline in patients, visits, surgeries, even little kids are not going in as often for check ups or even immunizations for that matter. Healthcare offices are still suffering from the decline in patients due to these facts, some primary care practices have even reported reductions in the use of healthcare services of up to 70%. All these factors cause a declining ripple affect from lack of services provided , to lack of productivity, staff having reduced wages while others are being furloughed.

Another issue that is affecting healthcare, specifically for asthma or COPD patients is that, during this pandemic after doctors finally realized that individuals should take some type of steroid or corticosteroid to help the lungs while under attack (after claiming steroids where bad for treating covid in the very beginning ), they too decided it would be a great idea to prescribe inhalers to every one that had signs or showed symptoms of Covid-19. Though it is nice they found some sort of working recipe, that leaves all asthmatic/ COPD children, elders and people in general with no warning about not being able to recieve an inhaler when YOU need it. Most physicians are shying away from the nebulizing treatment for restricted airways because of the mist the treatment creates, with fears of it turning into a viral. misty spread through out the hospital. However all of these things now creates a problem for a pre-existing asthmatic patients and any other patient with an existing respiratory problem to receive their rescue inhaler because its on back order, or the pharmacists order them already but they won’t be in for another week, or that they only had the absolute cheapest version available , which even though they say its the same it never really is. I feel this is a negative impact on the patient who can access what they need when they need it, I feel it is a drastic strain on the pharmaceutical companies who produce the medication trying to simply keep up with the supply and demand all while social distancing, and not having too many employees working on a floor or area at once.


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