
Throughout this course, you worked toward a course project by creating andsharing information with your colleagues and creating plans to help yourorganization. Your supervisor has been so impressed with your work that shehas asked you to create a company-wide plan on team-building strategies.

Your plan will include the following items:

  • an introduction that includes a description of your organization,
  • tips for goal setting and what you see as the leader’s role in helpingemployees reach their performance goals,
  • ways to apply the Five Cs,
  • strategies for effective communication,
  • approaches to create or improve team rewards,
  • tips for minimizing conflict, and
  • tips for overcoming resistance to change

Your plan must be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the titleand reference pages. Feel free to be creative with your plan. You may also useideas from previous units but do not copy and paste previous assignments tocreate this plan. You are required to use at least two outside sources, andone may be your course textbook. All outside sources used must be cited andreferenced according to APA guidelines.

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