Question Description

Respond to this persons discussion:

At least needs to be 100 words for the response

Results under pressure! 20 seconds felt so short to me, I wanted to give every question deep consideration, much longer than 20 seconds and I couldn’t stop my mind from racing under the weight of the clock. The entire time I was answering each question as fast as possible while balancing what I thought my results might show with every answer versus what I thought my internal truth really was. I’m very happy with my results, a little surprised with its accuracy but more importantly intrigued by some of the inner truths that were not self-evident.

Ideation was no surprise as my top score, I feel like it personifies who I am accurately and how I approach my roll currently. Relator and Self-assurance was much more of a delightful surprise to me. In my current roll I strive to include all staff members in the conversation about any changes that will affect them and me, especially the more quiet and shy personnel who are often marginalized by the more outspoken and aggressive staff members. I just recently updated our department 1 year and 3 year goals and presented that to my director, after taking this test I can now better recognize the Ideation and Includer parts of my personality and how it comes into play. More importantly I can understand why I feel so annoyed with the antiquated policies that haven’t been updated. Typically I work more than 50 hours a week in this position and with previous employers I have always worked more than 40 hours a week. I’ve always felt in control of my professional destiny and made strong long lasting relationships in the work place. After taking the Gallops strengths test I feel more confident in accepting my internal compass and self confidence in what I do.

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