Question Description

A 2 page Journal on Rational Choice Theory (A example Theory Journal is attached)

1) Identify ONE specific theory (The Theory we are using is The Rational Choice Theory which is explained below) and the associated theorist(s)from the relevant course section, then summarize IN DETAIL how the theory explainsdeviant/criminal/criminal justice behavior. This should be your LONGEST section.

2) Provide a “tweet” summarizing Step 1 using only 144 characters (or less). You DO NOTactually have to tweet your summary or have a Twitter account. (Basically Summarize Step 1 in 144 words or less)

3) Create a concept map of the theoretical process that you described in Steps 1 & 2. (Example in PDF Below)

4) Provide access to your crime/criminal justice event that can be explained using the theoryyou selected. Write a brief summary of what occurred (~one paragraph) and then discuss INDETAIL how the event might possibly be explained using the map you created in Step 3. (Please Choose any event you feel fits the Rational Choice Theory)

5) Identify or create and briefly discuss some criminal justice policies/practices based on yourtheory that could have prevented the current event you found for Step 4 above. The morepolicies/practices you discuss, the better

Rational Choice Theory, Clarke & Cornish(1985)Builds on Classical School and RATAttempts to explain all individuals & criminal behaviorsi.e., micro-level

Argues that:Criminals are rational and act out of self– interestEngage in cost-benefit analyses for each crimeCriminals fail because of cost-benefit miscalculation

Rational Choices vary by:Involvement choicesInitiationHabituationDesistance Event choicesPreparation, target selection, commission, escape, aftermathBut, Cornish & Clarke also recognized that all choices may be affected by criminals background, current life circumstances, and many other factors

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