Question Description

You might’ve consulted with your department website last week. That’sfine. I want you to continue your research in those areas wehighlighted last week (curriculum and faculty). But your website mighthave other resources you can reference or discuss:

  • Department facilities, labs, etc.
  • Internships, faculty research for student participation, etc.
  • Other programs, department groups, study abroad, clubs, fraternities, etc.

Take notes in these areas and others that might be useful, looking at the webpage or even other department collateral.

The same kind of detailed discussion of some of these other parts ofyour department can be just as interesting as talking about curriculum.Each major/degree is different. This is just a continuation of yourresearch for this Letter of Recruitment.

In addition, please include in your notes for this week’s Journal some thoughts on any rhetorical arguments you can identify on the website or elsewhere in your department’s image. Forinstance, can you see an ethical argument being made on the website, anappeal to a viewer’s ethics, in how your department/field engages inhelping/solving/studying that echoes a statement of values, of helpingpeople, communities, etc.? Any pathos, emotional arguments? Not onlyare you doing some rhetorical analysis, a core principal of this course,you’re absolutely getting some ideas for your Letter, for arguments youmight be able to make.

This Journal amounts to at least 3 pages of notes (double-spaced is fine) that cover the points I discuss above.

  • In effect, you are continuing your research from last week, but youare focusing on your Department’s Webpage and other parts of theacademic culture of your major/department.
  • You are also noting any major rhetorical appeals you sense yourdepartment makes or can make in terms of how one would describe themajor. Identifying a powerful ethical, emotional or logical appeal canhelp you persuade your reader more effectively.

As some asked about the approach to the notes, I would create a kindof outline form, some kind of separation of points/ideas/topics. Youcan include some paragraphing, but I would try to organize differentpoints/ideas/experiences so you have a clearer look at your points ofdiscussion.

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